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Solution Overview

Alphameta Coin

Blockchain Asset Investing Solutions

Alphameta Coin has invested 2 years developing its proprietary trading technology with a unique, regulation minded ground-up approach. Alphameta Coin Solutions will debut listing and trading of digital assets with full regulatory compliance, fair trading policies, security protocols and privacy procedures.

We aim to address cross-border, high-volume trading our unique matching engine runs behind a robust and scalable set of microservices predominantly focused on regulated trading.

Secured and Regulated

Supporting all industry security standards for user data encryption including GDPR compliance & user verifications. Algorithms to validate customer identity, fund management components, and secured connectivity with the different blockchain nodes.

  • Cloud-enabled, highly scalable system, based on Kubernetes technology

  • Supports the trading of various digital assets, not limited to one or two blockchains

  • Highly scalable architecture designed for intelligent adjustment to support high frequency trading with significant load